Thursday, June 30, 2011

Character traits for your zodiac sign

Have you ever wanted to know what the character traits are for your zodiac sign? Well here they are enjoy :)

Capricorn - Element- Earth (The "Goat")

Positive traits:                                    Negative traits:
Practical and Prudent                         Pessimistic and fatalistic
Ambitious and disciplined                  misery and grudging
Patient and careful                             Over conventional and rigid
Humorous and reserved

Aquarius - Element - Air (The "Water Carrier" )

Positive traits:                                    Negative traits:
Friendly and humanitarian                  Intractable and contrary 
Honest and loyal                               Perverse and unpredictable 
Original and inventive                        Unemotional and detached 
Independent and intellectual

Pisces - Element - Water (The "Fishes" )

Positive traits:                                   Negative traits:
Imaginative and sensitive                   Escapist and idealistic
Compassionate and kind                   Secretive and vague
Selfless and unworldly                      Weak-willed and easily led
Intuitive and sympathetic

Aries - Element - Fire  (The "Ram")

Positive traits:                                 Negative traits:
Adventurous and energetic              Selfish and quick-tempered
Pioneering and courageous              Impulsive and impatient 
Enthusiastic and confident               Foolhardy and daredevil     
Dynamic and quick-witted

Taurus - Element - Earth  (The "Bull")

Positive traits:                                  Negative traits:
Patient and reliable                           Jealous and possessive
Warmhearted and loving                  Resentful and inflexible
Persistent and determined                Self-indulgent and greedy
Placid and security loving

Gemini - Element - Air (The "Twins")

Positive traits: 
Adaptable and versatile                     Negative traits:
Communicative and witty                  Nervous and tense
Intellectual and eloquent                    superficial and inconsistent 
Youthful and lively                            Cunning and inquisitive 

Cancer - Element - Water  (The "Crab")

Positive traits:                                  Negative traits:
Emotional and loving                       Changeable and moody                  
Intuitive and imaginative                   Overemotional and touchy 
Shrewd and cautious                        Clingy and unable to let go
Protective and sympathetic

Leo - Element - Fire (The "Lion")

Positive traits:                                  Negative traits:
Generous and warmhearted              pompous and patronizing 
Creative and enthusiastic                  Bossy and interfering 
Broad-minded and expansive           Dogmatic and intolerant 
Faithful and loving

Virgo - Element - Earth (The "Virgin")

Positive traits:                                Negative traits:
Modest and shy                             Fussy and a worrier 
Meticulous and reliable                   Overcritical and harsh
Practical and diligent                      Perfectionist and Conservative 
Intelligent and analytica

Libra - Element - Air  (The "Scales")

Positive traits:                                Negative Traits:
Diplomaitic and urbane                  Indecisive and changeable
Romantic and charming                 Gullible and easily influenced 
Easygoing and sociable                  Flirtatious and self-indulgent 
Idealistic and peaceable

Scorpio - Element - Water (The "Scorpion" )

Positive traits:                                Negative traits:
Determined and forceful                 Jealous and resentful
Emotional and intuitive                   Compulsive and obsessive
Powerful and passionate                 Secretive and obstinate 
Exciting and magnetic

Sagittarius - Element - Fire (The "Archer")

Positive traits:                                  Negative traits:
Optimistic and freedom-loving         Blindly optimistic and careless
Jovial and good-humored                Irresponsible and superficial 
Honest and straightforward             Tactless and restless 
Intellectual and philosophical

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The original Hellman's Potato Salad recipe

    It stinks that Hellman's took the world famous potato salad recipe off the label. I had such a hard time trying to find it. (as I am pretty sure other people did too) I have managed to find it. You can find it at this link.

You can change it up how ever you like to make it your own.  When I make this recipe I do not put the celery and egg in it. It is pretty basic and plain and everyone always loves it. I just made it at my birthday party and it was a big hit!!! Make it your own so you can call it your own and then you can take the credit. I mean no one really needs to know where you got the recipe. ;)

How to get blood out of clothing.

We have all at one point or another gotten blood in our clothes. But, you don't have to throw away your clothes. Even if the stain has been sitting for a while you can still get it out. What do you do? Peroxide. Just put the peroxide on the stain. Let it fizz a little bit and then throw the garment in the washing machine when you do a load that's it. It is so simple and you will save money by saving clothes. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Coupons, Coupons, Couponing!!!

     Yes, I have to say I have jumped on the wagon to couponing. I must say ... I LOVE it!!! My first shopping trip was nothing like what you see on TLC's "Extreme Couponing" but, I still think I did okay. The bill came to around $400. I was sweating so much at the register because I only had $290 on my food stamp card. I swiped my customer rewards card and it went down to $298. Then after coupons it came to $260. Not bad I must say. I guess the more you do it the better you get.

     Living in Florida however, kind of puts a handicap on your couponing. I have not found a store that double coupons. But, if you have a coupon for everything that you buy you can still make out pretty good in the long run. I found this GREAT web site that walks you through step by step on how to coupon. The link is below

          If you are new or wanting to try this for the first time this is perfect!!! So if your asking yourself how do I do this? Well here you go!!

          Let me know how you make out after your first trip. A lot of my friends have tried it and have been successful. Give it a whirl!!!

Okay Ladies you can change a flat tire yourself!!!

So, since I drive an hour to and from work for a minimum wage job, and the wires on my tire are exposed, AND the sucker is going to blow any second, I thought it would be helpful to find out how to change a tire. Ladies you can do this yourself!!! But, it's always a good idea to do things as safe as possible.

Things I always keep in my car in case something happens:
* I ALWAYS have my cell phone on me. Even if you have to get a cheap pre-paid phone and slap a few dollars on it with a few minutes. You should always have one of these on you. Pay phones are rare, and in some cases are no where to be found. For safety you should have one to call 911.
* Make sure you have a spare tire or doughnut in your trunk.
* Make sure you have to jack and all the tools you will need to change a tire.
* Have a flare or triangle shaped road hazard warning tool so that traffic is aware you are there.
* Keep a gas can just in case you run out of gas.
* Have a gallon of water in case your car overheats (or maybe in a severe case drinking water)
* disposable camera in case you get into an accident. Or in some cases you might have a camera on your cell phone.
* pen and some paper.
* first aid kit. (make sure everything is up to date and not expired or dried out)
*Tampons!!! you laugh but I cannot tell you how many times I have been out some where and I have saved the day! :)

**** For detailed instructions on how to change a tire please look at this awesome link I found.

Enjoy and be safe!!! :)